Mobile speed camera blockers could face fines

Anyone parking directly behind a mobile speed camera to stop it catching speeding drivers could find themselves facing big fines.

Motorists are faking breakdowns and popping their hoods up right behind contractors. They are proudly obstructing the camera any way that they can.

Roads Minister Duncan Gay says he has had enough and is close to making such behaviour an offence.

"These guys are not local heroes...they are just local idiots,” Mr Gay said.

Mobile cameras have even been attacked with rocks.

The Government's tried pleading, now it is threatening to introduce regulations that will make obstructing the cameras an offence.

"They're causing themselves to be fined in trying to stop other people being fined...these guys are not Robin Hoods…they're just hoods,” Mr Gay said.

A vehicle picutred blocking the view of a mobile speed camera. Source: Block their shot.
A vehicle picutred blocking the view of a mobile speed camera. Source: Block their shot.

He also wants the Facebook page, Block their Shot, to be taken down. The page, which has over 50,000 likes, shows the locations of the state’s 45 mobile speed cameras.

Marg Prendergast from the Road Safety Centre said blocking cameras was a dangerous act.

"People have obviously got too to much time of their hands...but what they are doing is really dangerous."

Peter Khoury from the NRMA said he hoped that none of the company’s members were taking part in the movement.

"We hope that they are not our members..and if they are we'd encourage them to stop because these cameras have been put in places where this is a history of crash injury."

It is understood that regulation for fines could be only weeks away. However deducting license points off drivers is not being considered yet.

News break - May 25