4th teen arrested after attack on autistic teen at Devonshire Mall bus stop

A Windsor Police Service cruiser pictured in a 2022 file photo.  (Jennifer La Grassa/CBC - image credit)
A Windsor Police Service cruiser pictured in a 2022 file photo. (Jennifer La Grassa/CBC - image credit)

A fourth teen has been charged with assault, Windsor police said Wednesday, after an autistic teen was beaten by a group of young people at a bus stop near Devonshire Mall last week.

Windsor police said a total of four people have now been arrested and charged in relation to the incident.

All of them are 14 years old.

None of their names has been released because of their age. 

"The Major Crimes Unit continues to work diligently to identify the other involved parties," police said on social media.

According to police, they are investigating an assault by a large group of teens on a 16-year-old waiting for the bus. Police say the group "punched and kicked" the victim before leaving the area.