Nude man interrupts TV interview

Live TV can be a tough environment for any reporter, whether it's dealing with drunks at the footy or crossing live from a cyclone, but a naked man casually emerging from some bushes might be a new highlight.

In the middle of an interview about a tree that had fallen on his home in a storm, John Manassel, peered behind the cameraman and asked, "What is this out there that we got?".

What is this indeed.

John had spotted a young man, completely nude, at the end of his driveway.

The mystery naked man after emerging from the bush. Photo: KARK TV
The mystery naked man after emerging from the bush. Photo: KARK TV

After confirming to the reporter he didn't know the mystery man, our favourite elderly interviewee decided he "oughtta go out there and start an ass kicking contest."

But there were to be no asses kicked on this day.

Mr Manassel was wary of approaching the man who, even for a person nude in public, was behaving strangely.

After pacing up and down the driveway he eventually decided to sit down in the middle of the road before the Little Rock, Arkansas police were called.

Police appraoch the nude man, Photo: KARK TV
Police appraoch the nude man, Photo: KARK TV

The nude man was 22-year-old Nathaniel Koba, who police say was high on drugs when he dropped in Mr Manasse'ls home.

Koba was charged with public intoxication and indecent exposure following the incident.