P-platers oppose licence restriction proposal

P-platers say they are being unfairly targeted by new licence restrictions proposed by the South Australian Government.

Under the proposal, P-1 licence holders would be banned from driving between midnight and 5am.

The planned changes also include a restriction on the number of passengers between 16 and 20 years old a P-1 driver can have.

P-plater Kate Hofmeyer, 17, is a national junior swimming champion, who drivers herself to training.

Most mornings, she is already in the pool by 5am.

“I have never done anything wrong with my driving and I don’t see why we should be punished before we have done something wrong,” she told 7News.

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The Government is considering exemptions for employment and training reasons where the P-plater would need a letter from their coach or boss.

But musician Elliot Smith fears many drivers will still be unfairly treated.

“My band is a self-registered business – I don’t think I can apply to my best mate, who is also on his Ps, for an exemption to drive on my Ps,” he told 7News.

“We finish a gig at two in the morning, we need to get our equipment home.”

South Australia is on track to record a horror P-plate road toll this year – with four deaths already this year – compared to six for all of 2012.

Premier Jay Weatherill is standing by the proposal.

“I can’t ignore the evidence in front of me,” he said.

“I think any member of parliament is duty-bound to act on this because it’s about saving lives.”

Similar bans have long been in force in several other states, with figures showing positive results.

But the Opposition says it hasn’t been granted access to the 1000 submissions received during the consultation process here.
“We won’t inconvenience, adversely, and impact on thousands of lives if there is no demonstrable benefit,” shadow road safety minister Vickie Chapman said.