Shark survival: An extraordinary tale of brotherly love

A young surfer who was charged at and then thrown onto a shark in WA's south, has remarkably survived the attack after his brother came to his rescue.

Fraser Penman has been surfing Injidup beach, more than 260km south of Perth, for the past couple of years.

But on Monday, his luck changed when the university student landed on top of the suspected great white.

Shark attack survivor Fraser Penman. Source: 7News
Shark attack survivor Fraser Penman. Source: 7News
Logan and Fraser Penman. Source: 7News
Logan and Fraser Penman. Source: 7News

The shark had charged the 22-year-old, hitting him with such force it broke his board and lifted him out of the water.

"I realised I'm just pushing up on the shark," Fraser said. "I was just getting dragged under ... something was caught somewhere."

Fraser's younger brother Logan was metres away and watched on in horror as the 22-year-old thrashed around in the water.

Logan was able to sent his board across to Fraser and swim over to help.

Logan Penman. Source: 7News
Logan Penman. Source: 7News

"There was thrashing in the water, there was water flying in the air ... bodies flailing around," witness Geoff North said.

Fraser later took to social media to thank his brother for his life-saving help.

"The biggest thank you to my little brother Logan ... That takes a hell of a lot of courage and so much love, I am truly lucky to have you," he posted.

Fraser Penman. Source: 7News
Fraser Penman. Source: 7News