Jetty jump ends in predictable disaster

This is one of those videos that makes you cringe before the action even starts.

Ignoring the signs which tell you not to jump of the jetty is a time honoured tradition world wide and this guy was getting right into the swing of it.

The best laid schemes of mice and men. Photo: Liveleak
The best laid schemes of mice and men. Photo: Liveleak

Of course, we wouldn’t be watching unless it all went painfully wrong.

Often go awry. Photo: Liveleak
Often go awry. Photo: Liveleak

The would-be diver swings just a little too far, gets out of shape and his stunt comes crashing down in a heap.

As does he.

But grief and pain for promised joy. Photo: Liveleak
But grief and pain for promised joy. Photo: Liveleak

Young men being young men, though, we can pretty confidently say this won’t be the last time he has a crack at this sort of trick.

Sometimes you can see disaster coming and sometimes you’re the only one who can't, even when the signs are right in front of you.

This tip-truck driver in Saudi Arabia now knows this feeling better than any of us. As he cluelessly ambles along the highway towards a large overhead sign, he’s the only one around who can’t tell what’s about to happen.

And then it happens.

And it is spectacular.

Hindsight may be 20/20, but as this parade of strong-decision making shows, foresight is not so crisp.

Idiot brake checks L-plater

Large yellow and black L-plates on a car should tell you a few things beyond expecting dangerously low, legally-mandated speeds.

They should also tell you that there’s an inexperienced driver behind the wheel who probably hasn’t yet learned the proper evasive techniques used to deal with morons who can’t mind their manners and their mirrors at the same time.

When this great Australian mind slammed on his brakes to express his displeasure to the learner, he clearly didn’t see the screamingly inevitable result close in in his rear view mirror.

Many lessons were learned this day.

Liquid courage leads man over cliff

It is uncertain what Kyle Ponciano, 20, said before he climbed this large tree in Washington, USA, but we can guess it was prefaced with words like, “hold my beer while I …”

As yet, science is yet to reveal why so many young men are hit with irresistible urges to climb tall objects after a few too many drinks.

But the video of Ponciano’s shockingly rapid descent into the water, via some rocks, and news of his serious injuries should reveal why it is almost always a terrible idea.

The young thrill-seeker later admitted that alcohol may have played a part in his lapse in judgement.

When inspiration strikes, ignore it

Bad ideas and series injuries often go hand in hand.

Both this motocross rider and the spectator were hurt when this silly stunt went badly wrong. As the rider comes in at speed to fly the jump, the spectator holds out his hand, apparently trying to high five the unsuspecting competitor.

While an earlier attempt at the same game caused another rider to abort his jump, the clueless bystander was not so lucky the second time and wore the business end of a flying motorbike to his head.