Major crime in NSW declines

There's been a decrease in assaults in Kings Cross clubs and pubs over the last two years but the NSW government says it's too early to attribute this to the state's new lockout laws.

NSW crime figures out on Thursday show assaults, robberies and personal theft are all down and there hasn't been any increase in major crime across the state for the first time since records began.

According to the latest report from the Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research (BOCSAR) there's been a 27.4 per cent fall in assaults at Kings Cross bars and clubs for the 24 months to June.

But despite reported assaults inside Kings Cross venues falling, the number of punch-ups and attacks on the streets outside license premises remain unchanged, the figures show.

Police minister Stuart Ayres said while the decrease in assaults around Kings Cross was encouraging, it was still too early to attribute the figures to the lockout laws.

"I would caution to say that, the data is being collected over cooler months and we know there is a change in behaviour particularly when the warmer weather is around," Mr Ayres said.

"But the numbers that we've seen in this set of statistics plus the anecdotal evidence we've seen from particularly health-related services in the area is a reflection of the trend being the right trend."

A full report on the effectiveness of the lockout laws will be published before the end of 2014.

The latest figures show all 17 major crime categories have declined or remained steady, said BOCSAR director Dr Don Weatherburn.

The biggest decrease in major crimes across NSW was the 18.7 per cent fall in robberies without a weapon, while thefts from persons was down 14.6 per cent.

But while major crimes had its best result in 25 years, other offences including possessions of amphetamines, firearms along with fare evasion all soared.

There was a 34.3 per cent jump in the number of illegal firearm related offences, while possession of amphetamines shot up 16.1 per cent.

As the state transitions to the Opal card, fare evasion was also up by 22.3 per cent.

NSW Police Commissioner Andrew Scipione said the police force should be commended on the statistics and said enhanced policing would mean similar results in the future.