German tourist stuck in mud flats in Cairns

A German tourist who was rescued from mud flats in Cairns, was stuck for over three hours.

Sebastian Palzer was assisted from his predicament by police, as a crowd of curious onlookers gathered at Cairns Esplanade, to witness the bizarre situation.

A firetruck hosed the mud-laden 22-year-old down after he emerged at around 6:15pm on Thursday, and he was later transported to Cairns Base Hospital.

Ambulance officer Neil Noble told News Ltd, Mr Palzer wrongly assumed it was safe to walk on the mud.

"He is now very embarrassed because of the public attention and feels silly," he said.

"When the hospital got him warm and dry, he wasn't as irritable and was fully cooperative. Luckily they were able to wash his passport so he can go home again."