Stadium alarm in test mode during events

FIRST ON 7: Documents obtained by 7News have revealed a fire alarm at Adelaide’s Hindmarsh Stadium was switched into test mode during major events.

The Metropolitan Fire Service (MFS) said if a blaze broke out, it would not automatically be notified.

The documents show it was common practice for staff to put a fire indicator panel into test mode during big events.

It was a move firefighters weren’t comfortable with.

“This practice prevents the automatic response of the SAMFS to an alarm activation and may have major public safety implications,” the documents said.

Fans like Jeremy Clarke are seeing red.

“I’d say it’s worse than irresponsible, it’s unbelievable – it’s actually ignoring the threat to life,” he said.

“If it was to continue, I wouldn’t take my son along.”

It is unclear why the fire system was adjusted, but documents show management was concerned about the number of false alarms – some activated by shower steam.

Nearby residents are all too familiar with false alarms.

“(It) wakes you up in the middle of the night, you can’t sleep,” one told 7news.

The State Government said there are two alarm systems at the stadium, and when one was switched to test mode, it was monitored by a fire warden.

After meeting with the MFS, management has changed its practices.