Treasured stories being collected for history

Treasured stories being collected for history

Extraordinary yarns from ordinary people are being collected as part of a new treasured stories project by St John.

The aim is to allow the elderly to create a family legacy, but it is also teaching valuable lessons to younger generations.

Among those recording their stories is Alan Horne, who is telling his stories from his years as a grenadier during the Second World War.

And while he tells the tales, St John volunteer Nathan Uhe jots it down.

“I’ve learned as much about what sacrifices his generation made, as shocking as it may be, sometimes it is very, very informative,” St John volunteer Nathan Uhe.

Alan’s story will eventually be made into a book and passed onto relatives.

Phyllis Rooney’s book is already complete, and it highlights her work with isolated communities.

“I’m so grateful, I sit there of a night or day, and just read through it and think and remember what happened,” Phyllis said.

Some books will be donated to universities so students can learn more about some of the extraordinary people who helped build our country.

St John needs more volunteers to help with the project.

If you would like to help out with recording stories, contact St John on its website..