Woman thinks her hand is Pac-Man after surgery

Jenn Packham thought her hands were Pac-Man characters when she woke up after surgery. Source: Facebook.

When Jenn Packham woke up from leg surgery she thought her hands were Pac-Man characters involved in a very real and scary game.

What started out as some simple fun for the Utah woman, quickly turned dark when her right hand turned into a dreaded ghost.

“Oh man that’s a bad idea, I don’t know where to go,” she can be heard saying in the video.

Jenn becomes visibly distressed when she notices that her Pac-Man hand is going to collide with the ghost and starts to tear up as they come closer together.

Luckily her mum is there to help Pac-Man escape the evil clutches of her right hand.

The video, which has gone viral since it was uploaded, is just one of the many funny clips that have been captured by the family members and friends of those under anesthetic.

Whether someone is waking up from surgery on a broken bone or has just had their wisdom teeth removed, you can be sure that someone will be filming the hilarity that ensues.

"Where's my arm? I can't find my arm!"

When teenager Walker Clark woke up from surgery he was in absolute awe of his amazing new arm cast.

“Is this real life?”

Young David had to question whether he was really in real life after he was given medication while having a tooth removed at a dentist back in 2008.

"I feel dizzzzaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyy"

When this young boy woke up in hospital he felt good, but it wasn’t long before he was telling his family that he felt dizaaaaaaaayyyyy.

Where's Bob?

When Noah woke up in the Emergency Room with a broken arm, all he could do was ask about where Bob, the man who ‘killed him’, was.

Why don't I know Spanish anymore?

Ryan was incredibly confused when he woke up after having surgery on his shoulder.

When his mother asks him to try and say some key phrases in Spanish, hilarity ensues.

Sometimes you catch a case of the giggles

‪Lindsey ‬got a serious case of the giggles after getting his wisdom teeth out.

"It was a good nap"

Adam and his parents had an entertaining car ride home, after the teenager had his wisdom teeth removed.

"My lips are gone!"

Have you ever woken up and realised that your lips are gone? This confused young woman thought her lips had disappeared when she woke up after having her wisdom teeth removed.

"I have a unicorn!"

Matt was stunned to learn that he had a home and a younger brother when he woke up after having his wisdom teeth removed.