50 Shades starts selling out

It might be months away, but tickets to the big screen adaption of 50 Shade of Grey are already on sale and selling like hotcakes.

Just as a new trailer for the film was released this morning, fans of the raunchy books rushed to buy tickets with many Gold Class sessions at Event Cinemas in Innaloo selling out even though the film doesn't open in Australia until February 12.

The film, which is based on the erotic romance novel by British author E. L. James, is set to become the biggest big screen phenomenon for females since Sex and the City went to the big screen for the first time in 2008.

The new trailer shows more of Christian Grey (Jamie Dornan) and Anastasia Steele's (Dakota Johnson) developing attraction, before they move on to the Red Room of Pain.

Directed by Sam Taylor-Johnson, the erotic drama's supporting cast features Rita Ora, Marcia Gay Harden, Max Martini, Eloise Mumford, Jennifer Ehle, Luke Grimes and Victor Rasuk.

Those hoping to see a little more of Dornan may be disappointed to learn that he won't have any full-frontal naked scenes in the movie.