Fortune cookie encourages man to purchase $1m winning lottery ticket

An American man has won $1 million prize after a fortune cookie promising prosperity prompted him to buy a lottery ticket.

William Johnson of Southwick, Massachusetts was having dinner with his wife when he cracked open a cookie that foresaw he would 'soon come into a lot of gold'.

The favourable message inspired Johnson to purchase a Massachusetts Millionaire Mania scratch card the next day.

He subsequently won the draw.

William Johnson with his winning ticket and cash cheque. Photo:
William Johnson with his winning ticket and cash cheque. Photo:

According to the UK's The Daily Mail, Johnson selected the 'cash' option on his winning ticket which saw him the recipient of a one-off, lump sum payment of $650,000.

It is reported Johnson and his wife are planning to purchase a holiday home with their winnings.

The newsagent that sold Johnson the winning ticket will receive a $10,000 commission on the sale.