Obese woman loses 196kg for her wedding

A woman in Britain, who at one point weighed more than her partner and four children combined, has lost 196kg in just two years.

Before going on a very strict diet and having a gastric sleeve procedure, Marie Eaton weighed over 317 kg, The Daily Mail reports.

“I couldn't even get up the stairs,” the 42-year old woman said. “I was forced to sleep on the sofa.”

“I'd drink litres of fizzy drinks and eat $60 of takeaway in a single sitting on my own at least four nights a week.

“But around my 40th birthday I remember seeing myself in the mirror and thinking my body was close to giving up.

“I knew that I had to change otherwise I'd leave my children motherless.”

According to Eaton, her weight woes began after her mother died in her arms of a heart attack.

“From that moment onwards I comfort ate,” she said. “It was my way of coping with the trauma of it all.”

Eaton revealed that she was so embarrassed about her weight, that she stopped going out and became agoraphobic.

“I knew that the sofa wouldn't collapse beneath me unlike chairs in public, Eaton said.

“I couldn't be embarrassed about my weight if I was locked away at home out of sight.”

The event that triggered Eaton’s decision to lose weight was a marriage proposal by her partner, Paul.

“Paul proposing to me focused my mind and gave me that incentive to lose weight. I didn't want to look horrendous in my lovely white wedding dress.”

Two years later, Eaton now weighs 117kg.

“I'm loving life again and have started up a group to help other people looking to lose weight” Eaton said.

“I want to share my experience and help others.”

Carters News Agency
Carters News Agency