Bowen defends media on Hockey comments

Federal Labor has seized on Treasurer Joe Hockey's suggestion he was misrepresented over his comment that poorest people don't own cars.

While he later apologised profusely for the remarks, Mr Hockey clearly remains annoyed about how they were reported.

Asked whether his words had been "twisted", Mr Hockey told a Geelong radio station on Tuesday: "I think anyone who actually looks at what I actually said, as opposed to what people were reporting what I said, might form that view."

"But any words I use now will be again misinterpreted."

Shadow Treasurer Chris Bowen was dismissive of the treasurer's latest comment, saying it was not the media's fault for how the original remarks were reported.

"Treasurer, your words have not been twisted, your policies are twisted," he told reporters in Sydney.

It was time Prime Minister Tony Abbott appointed an assistant treasurer to help Mr Hockey.

"We all know he needs it," Mr Bowen said.