Crews killed by officer looking for cover

A Sydney detective was shooting with one hand and trying to find cover when he pulled the trigger on a shot that killed a fellow officer, an inquest has heard.

Detective Senior Constable Dave Roberts and new Constable Bill Crews were on a raid in September 2010 at the western Sydney unit block Phillip Nguyen used to deal cocaine and heroin.

But chaos erupted shortly after the officers entered the car park looking for cocaine Nguyen had stashed.

Const Crews yelled "Gun" when he saw Nguyen crouching down, armed and scanning the area in what Det Sen Const Roberts described as a "combat stance".

"Then I saw or heard a gunshot. I think I ducked down or something," he told police in a video played at a coronial inquiry into Const Crews' death.

"Then there was more gunshots. I could see flashes."

He then drew his gun and aimed at Nguyen.

"He was shooting. I fired a shot in return," Det Sen Const Roberts said.

"I was trying to get cover.

"I may have even hit the deck. I didn't stand there and take a well-aimed shot at him."

But Const Crews was hit by the shot, not the 55-year-old dealer.

"(There was) a lot of blood coming from the side of his head," Det Sen Const Roberts said.

In the video, he then walked investigators through the basement, showing the wall he hid behind during the gunfight and the positions of Const Crews and Nguyen.

"There were a lot of shots fired in quick succession so it was hard to tell (where they came from)," Det Sen Const Roberts said.

Earlier on Wednesday, the inquiry heard that before entering the building, Det Sen Const Roberts put on the Kevlar vest he had been wearing at night since a shootout with a bikie a few years earlier.

But he did not tell his junior colleague to wear similar body armour because intelligence suggested Nguyen did not have a gun and the raid was considered to be low-risk.

The inquest is investigating whether police search procedures were adequate, whether they were adhered to on the night of Const Crews' death and whether plain-clothes detectives properly identified themselves as police.

The inquiry continues.