Shocking video of elderly men being bashed at Brisbane pub

Shocking video of elderly men being bashed at Brisbane pub

Shocking pictures have been released of a vicious attack on two grandfathers while they were at a pub for dinner.

Terry White and his brother-in-law Graeme Law were in Brisbane as Mr Law was undergoing cancer treatment.

They had gone to the Victory Hotel for dinner and remember a young man saying: “You guys are too old to be here.”

The video shows the attacker struck from behind and had the two elderly men on the ground with one savage blow.

Mr White, 73, was kicked in the head 11 times, and was again targeted when he went to protect his relative.

The pair were left seriously injured - one of them unconscious.

Mr White said he still has flashbacks and nightmares about the terrifying attack.

“Because of getting hit from behind, I’m still looking behind myself now to check no-one is following,” Mr White said.

“My left cheek, the bone was there floating because it was broken, I had a black eye.

“They put a metal plate in my cheek to hold it to my forehead.”

Dylan Castle has been sentenced to four and a half years in prison over the attack.

In sentencing Castle, Judge Terry Martin said: “You’re a big man. They were both entirely vulnerable to you.”

He will be eligible for parole in January, but his victim is unhappy with the punishment.

“He’s done 12 months now and that means he would have done 18 months for kicking the heads in on two people,” Mr White said.

“It should be a lot more.”