Sydney’s ambulance angel

Sydney’s ambulance angel

In any crisis, hugging a teddy bear can be a real comfort for scared children especially in an ambulance.

But for 30 years, thousands of kids have been made to feel better with a 'trauma teddy' all thanks to one woman - Barbara Brown.

She is the angel of the ambulance service, providing thousands of knitted teddy bears for children, and adults who need something to cuddle when they are distressed.

"They're just comforting and now the ambulance have got a selection," Barbara said.

"I wish she could see one kid with a smile on their face because of what her bears have done," paramedic Julia Hickman said.

"[It] changes kids' perception of who we are and what we do and it's amazing," paramedic Allie Smith said.

Barbara started the Trauma Teddy project while visiting her late husband in a nursing home.

It was a team effort. He would unwind the wool, and she would get to work with the needles.

"People have said that Barbara knits through wars and famines and everything else and it's very true, I just sort of knit, no matter what," Barbara said.

"Each stage has got a lot of work in it but the knitting part you don't have to think about it."

Barbara is looking for volunteers to start a trauma teddy production line. She needs people to stitch, stuff and add the final touches.

If you would like to help Barbara continue her work please phone (02)93207796 or email