SUV sales soar in June

SUV sales soar in June

If sales are anything to go by, bigger must be better – with a record number for SUVs sold across Australia last month.

A total of 28,000 sports utility vehicles were sold in June, accounting for almost 30 per cent of all car sales.

“Probably in the last six to 12 months, the growth has been outstanding,” car dealer Ben Dalgleish told 7News.

But many drivers deny they are jumping on the big-car bandwagon, highlighting their SUV’s prowess off-road.

“It’s an all-wheel drive so I can take it to the beach,” one driver said.

Critics though say it is all about the prestige.

And in an accident, they are more likely to come out on top.

“Actually, bits of them will stick into other cars and be much more aggressive to them,” Mark Borlace from the RAA said.

A recent survey from a major insurer found SUV drivers have overtaken young males in smaller cars as the most impatient.

“Quite possibly, there is an element of mum with the kids in the car surrounded by six tones of steel – nothing is going to get in the way,” Insurance company spokesman Reuben Aitchison said.

But experts say it isn’t just size that matters.

Research shows that drivers behind the wheel of black-coloured cars also tend to be more aggressive.

“Being aggressive on the road doesn’t get you anywhere faster, in fact, it may stop you getting there at all,” Mr Aitchison said.