Driver dodges traffic jam by reversing down opposite side of the road

A driver has taken a novel – but extremely dangerous – approach to skirting a traffic jam by driving in reverse down the other side of the road.

The driver, believed to be in the Ukraine, threw the car into its reverse gear and ventured out on to the other side of the road.

Just go backwards and not worry about safety - some say. Source: Facebook/Sergey Goretsky
Just go backwards and not worry about safety - some say. Source: Facebook/Sergey Goretsky

The car bypassed the two jammed lanes of traffic as it travelled all the way to the nearest intersection - in reverse.

Drivers facing the right way and going in the right direction had to slow down and dodge the backward driver coming rear-first toward them.

'You have reached your destination' - Driver avoids all the traffic. Source: Facebook/Sergey Goretsky
'You have reached your destination' - Driver avoids all the traffic. Source: Facebook/Sergey Goretsky

When they reached the intersection, the driver spun the car around, ready to head off down the street in the right direction - having skipped past the jam.


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