Why Aussie animals are the toughest in the world

Australian animals are tough.

If our kangaroos competed in the animal version of Mr Universe they would win.

While we’re well aware of how tough our animals are, tourists still get a surprise when they see the harder side of the Aussie wilderness.

A couple of tourists got a wake up call recently when they realized our kangaroos weren’t all that cute and cuddly.

The group stumbled across two roos hitting it out in the middle of an open field, in a scene that could easily be mistaken for a boxing ring.

It’s not the first time an Aussie animal showed its strength.

These videos prove why our animals are tougher than the rest of the world.

This kangaroo was shot in the head with an arrow and hopped around for more than three days.
Seeking water, this kangaroo got his head stuck in a watering can and was dubbed the ‘Ned Kelly of South Australia’.

Koala's are pretty peaceful... until someone moves into the wrong tree.

Another Kangaroo named ‘Dave’ flexed his muscles in Queensland and became an international star.

This pair of koalas brawled in front of a couple of tourists in an Aussie park: