Families SA reportedly ignored concerns

South Australia's child development minister says she can't confirm reports Families SA dismissed formal concerns raised by the mother of a toddler allegedly abused by a carer.

The Advertiser reports that the mother, who had access to her child on weekends, raised suspicions the child may have been sexually abused in early 2012, two years before the man's arrest.

But a Families SA social worker told the woman she was a "paranoid mother", according to the newspaper.

The mother was reportedly told in July that her child had been identified by police as one of seven children allegedly abused by a Families SA carer at a residential facility.

Child Development Minister Jennifer Rankine said publicly at the time that there had been no concerns raised about the 32-year-old man before his arrest.

It has since emerged that concerns of alleged inappropriate behaviour by the man were referred to police by a co-worker about a year before his arrest.

SA police commissioner Gary Burns confirmed last week that police chose not to investigate the concern at the time, believing there was not "anything concrete enough" to proceed.

It has also been reported concerns were raised about an aspect of the man's psychometric testing.

Ms Rankine said on Wednesday that she was unable to comment on the latest allegations raised against the man because they could prejudice investigations.

"I was clearly advised that there was nothing recorded in his criminal history and there were no child protection notifications that had been made about him at the point of his employment," she told ABC Radio.

"I have consistently said, and I repeat again, I cannot talk about anything to do with issues that have been raised since his employment."

The opposition has accused the minister of evading scrutiny by refusing to provide details relating to previous concerns about the accused man.

He also is charged with the production, possession and dissemination of child exploitation material after police said they found more than 100,000 still images and 600 video files.