Homeless man told he can keep $70,000 he stumbled across

Krugerrands like the ones found by Mr Yost. Photo: Yahoo! News UK
Krugerrands like the ones found by Mr Yost. Photo: Yahoo! News UK

A homeless man who stumbled across a bag full of cash and gold coins has been told he can keep the haul – worth over $70,000.

Timothy Yost, 46, struck lucky when he took a walk on the banks of the Colorado River in Bastrop, Texas and after kicking what he thought was a bag full of rubbish, heard a jangling. Inside were 70 sodden $100 notes and 40 South African gold coins known as Krugerrands, each worth more than $1500.

Mr Yost took the damp currency to the bank to get it exchanged, where staff got suspicious and called the police. After convincing them that it was not the proceeds of a crime, officers advertised in a local newspaper for the owner to come forward – giving a 90-day limit.

Although one person claimed it, the money was not given out, with the local council unanimously deciding that it should go to Mr Yost.

"It is a great day for Bastrop, it is a great day for Mr Yost," said Aleta Peacock, who was representing him in the case. "There are a lot of things I would like to advise him to do, but as legal counsel we have boundaries. We will ensure he gets his money and also ensure his personal safety."

Mr Yost will have to wait to spend his windfall however – as he is currently in jail on charges of public intoxication and criminal trespassing.