Baby learns to chew from dogs in YouTube hit

Teething can be a harrowing time for little ones and the stress rubs onto parents as well.

However, one couple has been lucky enough to have their two dogs take some stress off this stage.

A video titled ‘Puggles Teach Baby To Chew’ has become a hit on YouTube and shows a five-month-old baby learning chewing tricks from his two puggles.

The video shows a cute pup gnawing on a bone and a baby staring at him intently.

Then, as though taking a cue from the mutt, the bub begins to chew and dribble all over his teething toy.

With his eyes fixed on the dog, the baby continues to imitate the canine in near perfect sync.

As the camera zooms out, another larger dog can be seen nearby chewing away on its bone.

The clip has been viewed 160,000 times since being uploaded to the video-sharing site last week.