Virgo Daily Horoscope – October 31 2020

From my Moonology Diary 2020 (grab the 2021 one here before it sells out!)

It’s a Blue Moon, a Full Moon and a Micromoon, too!

Sydney 1 November 01:49
London 31 October 14:49
Los Angeles 31 October 07:49
New York 31 October 10:49

This Full Moon promises to be a super-exciting time – in fact, some people might be finding it rather too thrilling and changeable. It takes place pretty much on Uranus, the electrical planet of awakenings and turnarounds, so the stage is set for some high vibrations. It’s also a Blue Moon, or the second Full Moon in a calendar month The next Full Moon, on 30 November, is an eclipse, but I think it’s fair to say that the intensity of the eclipse season starts to pick up here. What in your life do you want to evolve from? What have you outgrown? Where in your life do you need to be liberated? These are the areas in which you can expect to be ‘vibrating’ at a higher rate this week. The one mitigating factor is that this is a Micromoon, meaning that the Full Moon coincides with apogee, i.e. when the Moon is the furthest She gets from Earth during Her orbit (so the opposite of a Supermoon). Micromoons and Supermoons are more astronomical than astrological events; however, it could be argued that the Moon being at apogee somehow turns down the volume. Let’s wait and see this week!
The Full Moon brings about tension as the Moon takes the exactly opposite position in the skies to the Sun. The Sun is where our focus has been – for you for the past few weeks, this has been on Your Own Backyard – your neighbourhood, aunts, uncles and sibling, little tasks, quick trips and lots of chats. Now the Full Moon invites you to shift your focus a little and that you step back and look at The Bigger Picture. If life is a cosmic quest, how are you doing? Do what it takes to expand your mind. PS If you’re thinking about taking up some kind of study or starting to travel, you have heavenly support.

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