SW bushfire risk warning

SW bushfire risk warning

A dry, warm winter means there will again be a high risk of bushfires in the South West this summer.

Bushfire experts have warned of an above normal fire potential due to a dry winter, low soil moisture and high fuel loads.

The outlook released in a report by the Bushfire and Natural Hazards Cooperative Research Centre will be used by fire authorities to plan and prepare for the upcoming fire season.

According to the report, 2013 was Australia's warmest year on record and 2014 temperatures are likely to rise further.

High temperatures combined with falling rainfall rates have led to dry forests and grasslands presenting a bigger fire risk.

Bunbury Bushfire Brigade captain Terri Kowal said the projections came as no surprise with above average fire seasons common.

Mrs Kowal said the brigade was aware of the risk and well prepared.

"The weather is changing, temperatures are rising and soil temperature is rising," she said.

"Summers are getting longer and the season is starting earlier and finishing later.

"It shortens the window of opportunity to get that hazard reduction work done."

Mrs Kowal said brigades needed more volunteers.

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