A day well spent at the Abrolhos Islands

The day after Australia Day was filled with excitement and eagerness for it was the day I flew across to the Abrolhos to see the islands for the first time in my life.

For the past few years I had been living in freezing Saskatchewan, Canada, where the winter temperatures went as low as -30.

The idea of putting on a pair of shorts and T-shirt and heading off to a magnificent set of islands and reef seemed too good to be true, but a more perfect day could not be asked for.

It seemed that the clouds had parted ways and the visibility from the air was such that we could see the islands well before leaving the mainland.

On the way out our pilot, Brendan, told us about some details about the shipwrecks we would be seeing along the way, but they were only part of the sights as the islands themselves provided us with an array of different colours and great photo opportunities.

Full story in today's print edition.