Cane toad troop lobs in Perth

Nine cane toads discovered on a freight truck in Perth yesterday are believed to be part of the biggest group ever to reach the city.

Seven live and two dead toads were found among mango plants being transported by a Toll Express truck from Kununurra yesterday.

Freight company staff sealed the truck before reporting them to the Department of Parks and Wildlife.

Six northern green tree frogs and two native frogs were also found on the truck.

DPAW officers found the toads which will be euthanased this week.

Toad inside a mango plant. Picture: DPAW

DPAW officer Teagan Johnston said the toads were invasive and toxic to many native animals and people and warned those travelling from north of the State to inspect their vehicles.

“They can hide in small spaces so inspect your vehicles, luggage, pallets, camping gear and caravans,” she said.