Fire threatens lives, homes in Perth

Picture: Rhys Bertrand/Facebook

Residents of northeast Perth are under fresh threat from a bushfire, prompting authorities to issue an emergency warning.

An out-of-control and unpredictable fire is burning through bush in Brabham, threatening lives and homes, the Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DFES) says.

"(People) are in danger and need to act immediately to survive," the DFES said.

It advises those in affected areas to leave if their path is clear.

"Do not wait and see, leaving at the last minute is deadly.

"There is ember attack ahead of the fire, so close all doors and windows, and turn off evaporative air-conditioners, but keep water running through the system if possible."

A watch and act alert has been issued for residents in nearby West Swan.

The DFES advises people to leave the area and not to rely on mains water if they are defending their property, as pressure could be affected.

Severe fire danger has been forecast for the Gascoyne region on Monday.

If fire does ignite in the area "it will be unpredictable, move very fast and difficult for firefighters to bring under control", the DFES said.