Inside Australia's chilling new cult

Guest reporter: David Millikan
Producer: Tim Wise

Date: 18 September, 2011

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Cult experts have warned that a 47-year-old Queensland man and self-proclaimed “Jesus” is in the early stages of developing a dangerous religious sect comparable to WACO, which ended in mass-suicide, Channel 7’s Sunday Night has reported.

Former real estate developer, Alan John Miller, from Kingaroy in Queensland, is the leader of Gods Way of Love. He has an estimated 100,000 DVDs in global circulation and financially survives on collecting donations from followers. He also uses donations to acquire property for sanctuaries - in preparation for doomsday.

The earth will “change a lot” in the next few years, Miller believes. “What you now know as countries will disappear completely, other ones will change completely,” he told his followers at a recent seminar aired by Sunday Night.

Cult expert Rick Ross told Sunday Night that Miller is still a fairly new leader who hasn’t fully developed his group. “It is still in its early stages but the idea that the group is coming together in a community and that Miller is developing a compound in my opinion is ominous,” he said.

“Only the most extreme cults isolate themselves in a compound, such as Jonestown or WACO Davidians group, which both ended tragically in mass suicides.

“This is when groups become extreme because the leader controls everything,” he said.

Additionally, Sunday Night guest reporter and cult expert Rev. David Millikan raised concerns around Miller’s ability to break up families.

“He is surrounded by people who have walked out of marriages and businesses. They have forsaken all to follow Jesus,” Millikan said.

“Neuroscientist Dr Louise Faber left the Queensland Brain Institute to buy a property next to Miller in O’Dea Road, outside Kingaroy. I asked her if she believed Miller was Jesus. She said: “Oh yes, David, I know he is Jesus”.”

Ross said: “Basically Miller sets himself up as God, he is Jesus Christ, he is a God man and if you disagree with him you disagree with God so if you have a spouse or a family member and they are critical of Miller they have come against God and therefore they are not spiritually right for you.”

“Mr Miller seems to use his position as Jesus to get sexual favours from women that he is attracted reminds me of many so called cult leaders that I have run into over the years who use their position of spiritual authority to get want they want sexually, financially, in whatever means they wish from people that become their followers,” he said.

Miller told Sunday Night his first memories of his past life as Jesus occurred when he was two, having nails driven through his feet.

“I didn’t put them together as I’m Jesus from that. I just slotted it in to the back of my head and merely got on with my life until...I started having a lot more specific memories about my 33.”

He claimed his teachings “are all about love and developing relationships” and denied being cult leader.

“I don’t see how I can be a cult leader when I ask everybody to actually engage their own desires,” he said.

Meanwhile, Miller told reporter Millikan that he performed most miracles, as they are in the Bible, but he disputed others.

“Most of the miracles involving recovery of people's sight [and] the recovery of their limbs but the walking on water is one of the things that I didn’t do.

“Another one that I didn’t do was turn the water into wine.”

Miller urged reporter Millikan to get back in contact with him sooner than later.

"You are going to want to meet me much sooner than ten years time, I am saying that you will start thinking that wow maybe there is something," he said.

To contact cult expert Rick Ross please go to his website: