Shocking body cam vision shows terrifying attacks on parking inspectors

There are calls for Sydney’s parking inspectors to work in pairs after body cameras filmed a series of vicious assaults from angry drivers.

In one instance, a man illegally parked in a disabled spot at Eastwood in 2017 began screaming at an inspector, ignoring the official’s please for him to “get away”.

In a bizarre act, the aggressor then falls to the ground claiming he’s been assaulted.

“You bashed me first,” the man says.

Bystanders of the incident offered to be a witness for the inspector.

Another Sydney parking inspector tells a driver to stay away from him after he illegally parked in a disabled spot in Eastwood. Source: 7 News
Another Sydney parking inspector tells a driver to stay away from him after he illegally parked in a disabled spot in Eastwood. Source: 7 News

The man was later charged with assault.

Another incident, also filmed in Eastwood in 2017, shows a parking inspector pleading to be left alone after a driver tells him to “go over there and fix it”.

The driver had parked overtime.

“Just because you’ve got the camera you think you’ve got the power, mate,” the disgruntled driver says.

A Sydney parking inspector gets harassed by a man in Eastwood in 2017 after he parked past the time limit. Source: 7 News
A Sydney parking inspector gets harassed by a man in Eastwood in 2017 after he parked past the time limit. Source: 7 News

United Services Union’s Graeme Kelly said a number of members have suffered “serious harm”.

“We’ve had members with broken legs, broken arms, eye sockets,” he said.

“And we call on the councils to ensure that our members go to work in a safe fashion, in a safe environment and if that means doubling up the shift and putting two together on the job then we insist that that happen and happen immediately.”

Councils across Australia have introduced similar body-worn devices and they have seen a drop in assaults by up to 80 per cent, but they haven’t stopped them, prompting calls for drastic action.