Republicans Are Calling Tim Walz "Tampon Tim," And The Backlash From Women Is Too Good Not To Share
Well, as you probably know by now, Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris officially selected her vice president pick: Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz.
Seemingly part of their strategy, Republicans began painting Walz as a far-left liberal. The Trump campaign has already begun their line of attack with a new insult: "Tampon Tim."
— Chaya Raichik (@ChayaRaichik10) August 6, 2024
Tampax / Office of Governor Walz and Lieutenant Governor Flanagan / Via Twitter: @ChayaRaichik10
This is because last year, Tim Walz signed a bill that requires schools to "provide students with access to menstrual products at no charge" for grades 4 to 12.
But Republicans are taking issue with the bill's language that states "the products must be available to all menstruating students," which is inclusive of transgender and nonbinary youth. At the time, some Republican lawmakers in Minnesota tried (and failed) to change the bill to "female restrooms" only.
The bill has led to countless anti-trans attacks by Republicans trying to combat the "weird" allegations. A Republican PAC posted an advert on Twitter that asked, "What could be weirder than signing a bill requiring schools to stock tampons in boys' bathrooms?" And so the #TamponTim attacks began.
However, many have pointed out that "Tampon Tim" isn't really an insult when he's helped countless young people have access to period products who might otherwise not have had it. And the bill's Rep. Sandra Feist said she's received many emails thanking her for providing transgender students with menstrual products without having to ask.
Period poverty is a real thing - students miss school because of lack of access to menstrual products. As a former teacher, Walz understands how his impacts educational outcomes, just like he knows how hunger impacts learning. This makes me an even bigger fan of Tampon Tim.
— Bee Nguyen 🐝 (@BeeForGeorgia) August 6, 2024
"I actually received emails from trans students, parents, teachers, librarians, custodians from across the country, talking about how they were — or that they knew — trans students who faced these barriers and needed these products, and how much it meant to them that they would have that access, and also that we were standing up for them," she told the New York Times.
Anyway, if "Tampon Tim" is an insult, Walz supporters are embracing it. Here are all the best reactions:
Huge thanks @ChayaRaichik10 for reminding her followers that Tim Walz helped to make free pads and tampons available in school bathrooms!Another very nice, unexpected endorsement from the right! 👏🏻
— Dan 🇺🇸 (@hstarshot) August 6, 2024
So, get this: The republican party is trying to shame Tim Walz with the hashtag #TamponTim because he made sure restrooms in MN's high schools had free tampons, sparing young girls the trauma of bleeding through their clothes and being ridiculed. I like TamponTim.
— I, too, believe in #HarrisWalz2024 (She/Her) (@Itoolikepumpkin) August 6, 2024
So, calling Walz "Tampon Tim" because he made sure Minnesota high schools had free tampons available is just making me love him more, sorry.
— Meghan Leigh Paulk (@PaulkWrites) August 6, 2024
This is because he ensured students got free tampons in bathrooms, which is communism
— evan loves worf (@esjesjesj) August 6, 2024
Calling Walz “Tampon Tim” for putting free tampons in bathrooms for women is not the sick burn they think it is. He’s a legend. He’s an icon. And he IS the moment.
— A Jen, Duh (@hipchkk) August 6, 2024
Women are the largest voting bloc in America, and we are in need of period products about three months of every year. If you think attacking a man for providing girls and women with free access to tampons is a winning strategy, you probably don’t know many women.
— Shannon Watts (@shannonrwatts) August 6, 2024
I get that the whole point of MAGA is to make puerile jokes but calling him #TamponTim is not the punchline you think it is, as any girl over the age of 12 who has found herself in school without adequate supplies can tell you.
— Julie Roginsky (@julieroginsky) August 6, 2024
Kinda hilarious seeing conservatives lose their shit over tampons and maxi pads being available in student restrooms when just a couple weeks ago, so many of them were sticking a pad on their ear in solidarity with Trump 😂.
— Jemele Hill (@jemelehill) August 6, 2024
Republicans: How do we win back women?Dan Bongino: I know! We’ll label the Dem VP pick Tampon Tim like using tampons or supplying them is a slur. Republicans: Brilliant!!
— Emily A. The Spirit of Jezebel (@emzorbit) August 6, 2024
“What could be weirder than signing a bill requiring schools to stock tampons in boys' bathrooms?”i’m gonna pretty confidently say posting a video of a guy taking a shit
— Matt Binder (@MattBinder) August 6, 2024
can't believe they went with tampon tim when timpon was right there....fools
— blaire erskine (@blaireerskine) August 6, 2024
Calling a man #TamponTim because he made sure girls had tampons in school is a badge of honor! Most men want nothing to do with their daughter’s period.
— 💙💙ShayInLa💙💙 (@ShayInLa) August 6, 2024
good job on “tampon tim” guys, that’ll show em. he’ll definitely lose the vote of the demographic who find tampons gross (males aged 12-17)
— katie (@katefeetie) August 6, 2024
Personally, this is how I feel...
Tampon Tim is only an insult if you think periods are shameful sooo
— Clara (@thatclarafied) August 7, 2024
...but let me know how you feel about "Tampon Tim" down in the comments!