NYC Mayor Eric Adams returns to public spotlight, saying he endured a ‘scary week’
NEW YORK — Returning to the public spotlight Thursday after several days dealing with a health problem, Mayor Eric Adams said he has endured a “scary” week.
Without going into specifics, the mayor told gathered faith leaders at the New York Public Library’s annual interfaith breakfast that “last week was a scary week for me” and said he has turned to God frequently over the past few days. He also dismissed what he labeled “the stupid rumor” that he was about to resign.
“Last week, that’s what it was about, God had become real to me and when people were saying, ‘Well, where is he? What is he doing? … What is going on?’ God told me, ‘Eric be still, be still and know that I’m God,'” he said.
“Be still and don’t allow all the noise as I venture through this healing moment both physically and spiritually.”
The mayor’s office first announced late Sunday that Adams would take a step back this week and cancel most his public appearances because he wasn’t feeling well and would be undergoing routine medical screenings. (A spokesman for the mayor clarified the mayor in his remarks meant this week, not last.)
Amid his absence, rumors swirled that the mayor, who is under federal indictment on corruption charges, was considering resigning. Addressing the faith leaders, Adams said the rumors are bogus.
“Who started the stupid rumor that I was stepping down on Friday?” he said to cheers.
The mayor, who has pleaded not guilty to his alleged crimes, is expected to go on trial in April on the federal corruption charges, about two months before he’ll be up for reelection in the June Democratic primary. Adams is facing a crowded filed of challengers.
As Adams began his remarks, a few people rose to hold up a sign that read “Mr. Mayor: Show mercy to our immigrant friends.”
The mayor minutes later challenged those criticizing him as “anti-immigrant.”
“Are you out of your mind? Are you out of your mind?” he said. “Are you out of your mind, walking around with your silly signs?”
Earlier in the morning, the mayor attended an annual State of the NYPD breakfast at Cipriani Midtown. He did not deliver remarks at that event, but on his way in, he referred reporters to his criminal defense attorney when asked if he had heard about the report about discussions being underway regarding the DOJ dropping his corruption case.
The New York Times first reported late Wednesday that such discussions have taken place since President Trump took office, though there’s no public indication Manhattan federal investigators are about to stop the prosecution.