Moose Jaw police ring alarm about increase in doorbell pranks

Moose Jaw police say there has been an increase in 'ding, dong, ditch' pranks occurring in the late evenings and early morning hours. (Kirk Fraser/CBC - image credit)
Moose Jaw police say there has been an increase in 'ding, dong, ditch' pranks occurring in the late evenings and early morning hours. (Kirk Fraser/CBC - image credit)

Moose Jaw police are raising the alarm about a series of "ding, dong, ditch" pranks in the city.

In a news release Friday morning, police said the prank — also called "nicky, nicky, nine doors" — is on the rise in Moose Jaw. The prank involves a person ringing a doorbell and then running away before the resident has a chance to see who did it.

Police say the incidents are occurring in the late evenings and early morning hours, and that adolescents and children have been responsible.

Anyone caught doing such a prank could receive a warning, or in a serious repeat offence situation, there could be criminal charges, according to the release.


Moose Jaw police are urging parents to speak with their children about the possible consequences of taking part in the prank.

They are also asking for anyone who witnesses a ding, dong, ditch to report it to police.