Little-known McDonald's hack goes viral: ‘I never knew that'

When it comes to ordering McDonald’s everyone has their go-to meal. But one woman has shared her money-saving hack for getting more out of her order for less.

Sharing her post on social media the woman from Perth detailed how she scores herself a cheeseburger and chips for just an extra $1.60 when she orders her coffee frappe.

“Instead of paying $5 for a medium coffee frappe, I buy it in a happy meal for $6.60,” she shared alongside an image of her meal.

The simple hack post fetched over 800 comments and more than 2900 likes with hundreds of McDonald's customers quickly commenting on her ‘life-changing’ hack.

McDonalds Cheeseburger, chips and McCafe frappe
The woman's hack was labelled "revolutionary" by others who said they'd never order McDonald's coffee the same way again. Source: Facebook.

“In a Happy Meal? This is the best hack I've ever seen,” one person wrote.


“This is an awesome hack – never thought of that,” one person shared, while another said: “I never knew you could do that. Great idea!”

Others said they couldn’t believe they could feed their kids the Happy Meal and get the coffee for themselves practically for free.

So does the hack actually work?

Maccas fans were quick to try the hack to see if it actually worked, with many saying it did when they processed an online order. Meanwhile, in store others confirmed it worked too.

“Thanks to your post I treated myself and my son. $6.55! Drink for me and snack for him for $1.55 technically,” one happy person shared.

And the hack doesn't only work on coffee frappes either, others said they used the trick to score other drinks and most McCafe drinks too.

McDonalds coffee cup (McCafe) in a hand on a white background. McDonalds is the world\'s largest chain of hamburger fast food restaurants.
The little-known hack allows customers to add a McCafe drink to a Happy Meal order giving them more bang for their buck.

“I do this with milkshakes! $4.20 for a small choc shake, or $4.95 in a happy meal,” one person shared.

Some Maccas stores decline the attempted hack

But although it worked for some, others said their local store had “caught on to the idea” and wouldn't allow the drink upgrade without charging extra.


“I was actually told last night they didn’t do it,” one person said, while another wrote: “ I think my local is on to it.”

The post also revealed that some McDonald’s locations have different prices for items, which could determine whether the hack works in certain areas or not.

“Different areas charged differently for happy meals etc so maybe the reason for yours charging more,” one person said.

More secret Maccas hacks revealed

The clever thinking soon started a long stream of other tips and tricks people use when ordering Maccas to score themselves more bang for their buck.


“It’s just like if you pay for a six-nugget Happy Meal it cost $9.25 so buy two three-nugget Happy Meals for $9.95 and get extra chips and an extra drink,” one person shared.

Exterior of newly re-designed McDonalds location with a car waiting in the Drive Through lane on Lacewood Drive in Halifax. McDonalds has recently begun renovating many of their locations to a new, more modern look featuring the McCafe branding.
Dozens of Maccas fans shared their secret hacks to getting the same meal for a cheaper price, simply by changing up their order. Source: Getty Images.

“ I do this when I feel like a double cheeseburger. It's cheaper to buy a single cheeseburger meal and add extra beef,” revealed another.

“I ordered two large Big Mac meals and two extra cheeseburgers and it came to $35 something, got to the window to pay and the young girl said it was cheaper to buy a small box value pack with the same food for $25,” commented a third.

Among some of the other ‘genius’ ideas were ordering two happy meals instead of a large double cheeseburger meal saving a few dollars, adding the free seniors coffee to a Happy Meal and purchasing a Happy Meal for $4.95 instead of a small cheeseburger meal for $7.40.

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