Father almost loses leg after blue bottle sting


A NSW father-of-five has almost lost his leg after he was stung by a blue bottle at the beach on New Year's Day.

John Atkin, from the small town of Guyra in the Northern Tablelands, took his five children to Coffs Harbour on January 1 for an "afternoon swim".

After he was stung by the marine creature, the bottom half of his leg began to blister and turn purple and black.

Father-of-five John Atkin almost lost his leg after a blue bottle sting. Photo: GoFundMe
Father-of-five John Atkin almost lost his leg after a blue bottle sting. Photo: GoFundMe

The father faced losing his leg and was in a critical condition at the time of his injury.

Doctors found he contracted vibrio vulnificus bacterial infection - a marine bacterium that can cause life-threatening infections.


Shocking photos show the bottom half of his leg with black blisters and he later had skin grafts on the wounds.

Amanda Campbell set up a Go Fund Me page in the hopes of raising enough money to cover his medical costs.

She said while infections are usually mild, Mr Atkin's infection continued to spread despite an operation and treatment with antibiotics during his 11-day stay.

Mr Aktin was in a huge amount of pain after he was stung. Source: Go Fund Me
Mr Aktin was in a huge amount of pain after he was stung. Source: Go Fund Me

It came to the point where he had to receive specialist treatment at Sydney's Royal North Shore Hospital.

Ms Campbell said his infected leg had "enormous amounts" of dead tissue. She said he had five operations to remove the dead tissue and rejuvenate nerves.


Mr Akin was able to return home this week with his wife Kylie saying it was an "emotional" month.

Mr Atkins had skin grafts on the wounds. Photo: GoFundMe
Mr Atkins had skin grafts on the wounds. Photo: GoFundMe

"Still a long way to go but the main thing (is) that he is here with us! Kids are so happy to have their daddy back and to have some sort of normality again," she wrote on Facebook.

Almost half of the $5000 goal has been raised on the Go Fund Me Account. To donate, click here.

Mr Akin was able to return home this week with his wife Kylie saying it was an
Mr Akin was able to return home this week with his wife Kylie saying it was an