Expert Profile: Jacqueline Alwill

Name: Jacqueline Alwill
Job/Title: Nutritionist / Author / Mum
Describe a day in the life: Pretty diverse. No day the same more or less because I can’t sit still but at present. Morning swim in the ocean with my little boy, cuddles, brekky and off to school, work which can range from writing, cooking, doing corporate nutrition workshops, working events, speaking at events, and of course coming into chat all things nutrition on Channel 7!
What would you be doing, if it wasn’t your current job: Tough call - can’t imagine it any different! But if I HAVE to then a photo journalist...
Who would star in your bio: My little boy Jet is my inspiration, teacher and all of my magic. I honestly understand life so much better because he came into my world.
Song stuck in your head right now: Given school’s back and we’re trying to get back into routine it’s “and you gotta go to work work work” (Fifth Harmony, Work from Home).
Favourite emoji: The smiling turd. No further comment necessary right?
Best piece of advice you’ve ever been given: Unless you change direction you will end up going where you are going. Which is a quote by Lao Tzu printed on a card and given to me some years ago when life was very volatile. I’ve kept the card and the advice always stays close to my heart.
Last book you read: I read about 6 books at one time. Weird habit. So the last two I finished were The Anti-Cool Girl by Rosie Waterland and Rising Strong by Brene Brown.
Last person who texted you: Alexa, who pound for pound is one of the strongest women I know. We’re about to put release some incredible training videos together.
You’re a new addition to the crayon box. What colour would you be and why? Aqua - ocean, sky, tropical, blue, I’m always drawn to blue.
Teach me something I don’t know in the next five minutes. Can we make it five minutes plus overnight to freeze the healthy Golden Gaytimes I’m going to teach you? They take 5 to make and overnight to freeze and then they’re all yours…
What are you known for? Really delicious, wholesome, nourishing food that makes people stoked on life. And being able to break down the nutrition in each recipe in the meal. If you ask, and indulge me a little.