Dozens of e-bikes coming to eastern P.E.I. this spring through new rental program

Dozens of e-bikes, like these ones parked in front of the Rural Action Centre in Montague, will soon be available for rent in more communities across Kings County. (Submitted by Cathy Rose - image credit)
Dozens of e-bikes, like these ones parked in front of the Rural Action Centre in Montague, will soon be available for rent in more communities across Kings County. (Submitted by Cathy Rose - image credit)

Dozens of e-bikes will soon be available for rent across Kings County thanks to a new initiative by Active Communities Development Inc., in partnership with local municipalities.

The group's executive director, Martina MacDonald, said the program aims to promote healthier lifestyles and encourage people to spend quality time with family and friends outdoors.

"We wanted to really get people out in a mode of transportation that's greener and takes you further with zero carbon emissions," MacDonald told CBC News.

A total of 32 e-bikes and eight charging stations will be located across the eastern P.E.I. communities of Souris, Montague, Georgetown, Cardigan and Wood Islands. MacDonald said each community will host six to eight bikes.


Riders will be able to use an app to locate available bikes and explore the Confederation Trail.

The project was made possible through money from the province's Active Transportation Fund, which ACDI applied for five months ago.


Cathy Rose, project officer for ACDI, hopes the program will inspire more Islanders to explore the trails, embrace a healthy lifestyle and contribute to reducing emissions. (Submitted by Cathy Rose)

Cathy Rose, project officer for ACDI, said the group is still working out the logistics, but the program is expected to launch in May. More details will be available then.

Using an app, people will be able to rent an e-bike and helmet for either a half or full day. Bikes will need to be returned to their starting point after use.

The group is hoping there may be capacity for a student position to help out, but much of the system will be designed to run with minimal contact.


As for costs, Rose said the rentals will be affordable.


The e-bikes are being stored in the basement of the Rural Action Centre in Montague until spring. Rose says her organization hopes to launch the program in May. (Submitted by Cathy Rose)

"It's not a money maker. It's just something to make sure that we have enough money coming in to pay the maintenance on the bike and make sure that they're maintained properly," she said.

"It's not going to be a lot. I'm going to say maybe $25 for half a day, maybe $40 for a day."

Beneficial for people with mobility issues

Rose said the program is open to anyone aged 18 and up, and is designed to accommodate a wide range of users, including those with mobility challenges.

"People like myself who have slight mobility issues... we can just let the electric part of it take over and we can still enjoy the ride, and other people can get in and can use them for a really great workout. So it's pretty inclusive," she said.

"I hope there'll be some patience while we roll this out and figure out how it's all going to work."