Donald Trump Signed An Executive Order Proclaiming That There Are Only "Two Sexes," And The Internet Is Calling Out The Hypocrisy

Welp, y'all, on Monday, Donald Trump was officially sworn in as president. On his first day, he signed a slew of executive orders, including those that effectively rescind key protections for racial equity and gender identity previously signed by Joe Biden during his time in office.

A person sits at a desk filled with folders, reviewing documents, while another person stands nearby in an office setting
The Washington Post / The Washington Post via Getty Images

One order, called "Defending Women from Gender Ideology Extremism and Restoring Biological Truth to the Federal Government," states that "it is the policy of the United States to recognize two sexes, male and female."

Summary of the text: Executive order titled "Defending Women from Gender Ideology Extremism and Restoring Biological Truth to the Federal Government," dated January 20, 2025

During his inaugural address, Trump said that it would be the "official policy of the United States government that there are only two genders, male and female" (...despite his own order requiring the government to use the term "sex" rather than "gender"). Many were quick to note that he might not fully grasp the distinction between sex and gender.

@LilTaybepoppin / US Department of State / Via


"trump can't differentiate the difference between sex and gender!?" another person wrote. "why is he falsely claiming that there are only two genders, male and female? someone should inform @realdonaldtrump that sex, sexual orientation, and gender identity are distinct concepts."

US Department of State / Via

Others pointed out that not only is the order clearly an anti-trans rallying cry, but it's also "biologically incorrect," as other sex classifications exist.

Trump-Vance Transition Team / Via Twitter: @Faint3dl0ve


Intersex individuals have reproductive or sexual anatomy that doesn’t fit strictly within the sex classifications of male or female at birth — meaning they cannot be exclusively defined as "male" or "female" under Trump’s binary definition of sex.

"[Mind] you," one person wrote, "intersex people are a thing and it's not some woke liberal agenda."

Trump-Vance Transition Team / Via Twitter: @yayaimsorude

Trump-Vance Transition Team / Via Twitter: @foundheavenn


Some drew attention to the blatant hypocrisy. "Trump really just said, 'Free expression will no longer be limited', and 'there are now only two genders male and female' in the same breath," this person said.

Twitter: @LucifersTweetz

Meanwhile, many others still want to know Trump's plan on groceries...

Trump-Vance Transition Team / Via Twitter: @brookstweetz


And the gun issue...

Twitter: @alexissTyler

"still no issue with people literally dying ins school shootings but god forbid someone goes by they/them."

@OwlHouseIsGreat / Trump-Vance Transition Team / Via

Because demonizing nonbinary and trans people SURELY will cover those bases.

Twitter: @fartpog

Anyways, a world without trans and nonbinary people has never existed and never will (even if an executive order says so)! Here are some more reactions that made me laugh, cry, and feel hopeful not everyone's a hateful bigot:

Twitter: @ratedpaulie

Twitter: @eggscrams

@MightyKeef / US Department of State / Via

HBO / Via Twitter: @HitsAndCharts

CBS / Via Twitter: @buffys

Twitter: @mandaarchive_

Sony Pictures / US Department of State / Via Twitter: @sndaygf

@risbluntroller / US Department of State / Via Twitter: @arisbluntroller

@LilithLovett / US Department of State / Via Twitter: @LilithLovett

@RealBlackSpe / US Department of State / Via Twitter: @RealBlackSpe

Peer-support services are available at the Trans Lifeline. You can call the hotline at 1-877-565-8860.

If you or someone you know has experienced anti-LGBTQ violence or harassment, you can contact the National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs hotline at 1-212-714-1141.