Alleged caravan terror plot targets revealed

NSW Premier Chris Minns has labelled the incident as an act of terrorism Picture: NewsWire/ Gaye Gerard

The alleged targets of a suspected anti-Semitic terror plot have been revealed after a caravan was found with explosives in Sydney’s northwest.

A caravan containing explosives was first spotted parked next to a small cemetery along that road in December before a resident concerned about the location towed it onto their property where it remained for several weeks, as reported by The Daily Telegraph.

The door was padlocked, initially preventing the resident from opening it.

Once they were able to remove the padlock on January 19, they discovered explosives along with the address of a Jewish synagogue and other notes.


Sky News Australia host Sharri Markson on Thursday revealed on her show the The Great Synagogue and the Sydney Jewish Museum in Darlinghurst were the intended targets of the suspected terror plot.

NSW Police declined to comment.

NSW Premier Chris Minns has labelled the incident as an act of terrorism. Picture: NewsWire / Nikki Short

NSW Police earlier said the Powergel explosives found inside the caravan could have been stolen from a mining site and had the power to create a blast wave of up to 40m if detonated.

On Thursday morning, NSW Police confirmed there was no detonator found inside the caravan.

Speaking to the media on Thursday morning, NSW Police Deputy Commissioner David Hudson confirmed the registered owner of the caravan was already in custody for “unrelated matters” when it was discovered.

Mr Hudson said the man was in custody for offences being investigated by Taskforce Pearl, which was established to investigate anti-Semitic attacks.


NSW Premier Chris Minns said “no stone will be left unturned” to catch those responsible for the incident.

“NSW Police are doing everything possible to catch these people,” he said.

Mr Minns has called on the public for assistance and to report any information they may have on the incident.

“To those who may have information about racist hate attacks in our community … if you know of anybody who’s committed these offences, or you know of anyone who potentially could commit these offences, it’s your duty to come forward,” he said.

Local homeowner Rob saw the caravan parked on the street. Picture: NewsWire / Damian Shaw

Mr Minns defended keeping silent for 10 days about the possible anti-Semitic attack, which has been described as “very disturbing” and “utterly appalling”.

He also revealed to 2GB there had been a “media leak” about the incident, prompting the news to become public.

“Once that had appeared in the newspapers, it was clear that both myself and police had to go and talk about this publicly,” he said.


Mr Hudson told reporters that he was “not happy” that information had been leaked.

“There’s a number of agencies involved in relation to this investigation who were privy to the same investigation,” he said on Thursday morning.

Derriwong Road in Dural near where the caravan was found. Picture: NewsWire / Damian Shaw

The incident was briefed to Mr Minns on January 20, though the Coalition’s home affairs spokesman James Patterson has raised questions of when Mr Albanese was informed of the act.

Speaking to ABC radio on Thursday morning, the Prime Minister declined to reveal when he was briefed on the incident, though he said he received regular briefings from national security agencies and from the Australian Federal Police and had spoken to Mr Minns, adding he agreed with the Premier that the incident was an act of terrorism.

“The job of politicians is to support our security agencies, anti-terrorism organisations that do such an extraordinary job in investigating but also importantly stopping threats to our safety,” he said per the ABC.

Mr Minns said a media leak uncovered the investigation. Picture: NewsWire/ Gaye Gerard

Mr Minns further elaborated on Sky News on Thursday morning, explaining police have to take threats “seriously” and may reveal details to the public unless authorities determine the “investigation to remain clandestine”.


“I think the public would understand that you’ve got the NSW police counter-terrorism command that for decades has kept the people of NSW safe in difficult circumstances,” he said.

“And if they make a judgment that in these circumstances they need to continue their inquiry without issuing a media release, then that’s a judgment that I back 100 per cent.”

Mr Minns said he “can’t make a guarantee” the public would be notified of every development while police work on the case.

“I don’t want the public to believe anyone was twiddling their thumbs over the past 10 days – the exact opposite was the case,” he said.

The Prime Minister condemned the act. Picture: NewsWire/ Sharon Smith
The Prime Minister condemned the act. Picture: NewsWire/ Sharon Smith

“The NSW Police have people in custody and continue with other agencies, including those involved in AFP Special Operation Avalite to investigate threats, violence and hatred towards the Australian Jewish community, and take action and hold people to account for crimes,” he said.

“Hate and extremism have no place in Australian society.”

Taking to social media, Peter Dutton described the act as “sickening as well as horrifying”.

“It is a grave and sinister escalation in this insidious rise of unchecked anti-Semitism in our country,” the Opposition Leader said on Wednesday evening.

“It is incumbent on the federal government and its national security ministers to say when they knew about this sickening incident, who is behind it, and what steps they took to protect Australia’s Jewish community.

“The government must commit additional resources – including heightened security at Jewish synagogues and schools – for reassurance and deterrence.”

NSW Police Deputy Commissioner David Hudson said there was an ‘escalation’ in anti-Semitic attacks. Picture: 9News
NSW Police Deputy Commissioner David Hudson said there was an ‘escalation’ in anti-Semitic attacks. Picture: 9News

Mr Hudson said police were contacted about the caravan on January 19, with more than 100 officers brought in to investigate the incident.

“We have made arrests on the periphery of this job, but we are still looking for assistance in relation to anyone who saw that caravan parked by the side of the road from the seventh of December to the 19th of January this year,” he said.

Strike force Pearl was established in December 2024 to investigate the “escalation” in anti-Semitic attacks.

The chilling caravan discovery comes after the former Dover Heights residence of Jewish leader Alex Ryvchin was vandalised and a childcare centre was firebombed and graffitied with anti-Semitic messages.

“We believe there is some connection between some of the targets we’ve charged under Strikeforce Pearl in this particular investigation,” Mr Hudson said.

“The discovery and detection of the caravan, contained with an amount of explosives, was not going to be in the normal anti-Semitic attack that we have seen occur in Sydney, such as graffiti and arson attacks.

“This is certainly an escalation of that, with the use of explosives, that have the potential to cause a great deal of damage.”