'That’s nuts': Man's crude 'crop circle' shows up on Google Maps

A man has decided to use his field to protest the federal government in a phallic display which can be seen on Google Maps.

Jamie Rix has owned property on Prince Edward Island in Canada since 2009 and 18 months ago he trimmed a crop circle in his field.

The shape then began to form when he made a longer cut in the field so he could drive down the end, sparking a stranger’s request: “Why don’t you make it into a giant Johnson?”

Mr Rix told CBC News he accepted the challenge.

Now, the outline of a 243-metre penis is visible on Google Maps.

The penis is pointing west toward Ottawa, something Mr Rix says was deliberate, due to it being where Canada’s federal government is centred.

A giant penis can be seen from the air on Prince Edward Island in Canada. Source: Google Maps
Jamie Rix cut a giant penis into his field on Prince Edward Island in Canada, which can now be seen on Google Maps. Source: Google Maps

“The government doesn't seem to have much of a plan beyond four years and the next election,” he told CBC News.


“That's my feeling anyway. They'll say or do anything to get re-elected.”

Wife didn’t know about rude design

Despite the size of the penis, Mr Rix’s wife didn’t know about it for a year, though he admitted to CBC his wife hadn’t seen or heard much about it.

“I don't think she'd like to be associated with it,” he said.

While a walking trail surrounds Mr Rix’s property, you can’t see the outline from the ground.

But when he shows it to people, or they see it for themselves, they see the funny side and get a laugh out of it.

Divided opinion over phallic ‘crop circle’

When CBC Prince Edward Island shared the story to Facebook, people were divided over whether the phallic display was amusing or not.


One person said they initially thought it was a giant skeleton key until they adjusted their glasses and had a chuckle.

“This is so funny. When I saw the photo my first thought was ‘that's neat, someone made a skeleton key in their field’,” they wrote.

“That’s nuts,” someone joked.

While some were disgusted by the outline, one person asked to consider the example it was setting.

“Would you want your kid drawing this on the chalkboard at school,” they questioned.

“Think about the example you set.”

One speculated the giant penis would “finally” lure aliens to earth.

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