CanDo App

CanDo is the bridge between people going through treatment and their team of willing helpers

How CanDo can help
By providing CanDo free of charge, to people going through treatment, we want them to experience positive outcomes throughout and at the end of their treatment phase.

CanDo hopes to deliver a number of positive social and practical benefits to improve quality of life through treatment

- Less social isolation
- Greater personal autonomy
- A reduction in the financial impact of stopping work
- More attention on general wellbeing
- Reducing the impact of stress and anxiety by removing concerns about how the “little things” get done

The CanDo app is the facilitator for delivering that help through team and task management, without the need for awkward “polite” conversations.

The app is free to download and CanDo is strictly not-for-profit.

For more information, visit: