Boil water advisory lifted in Sambaa K'e, N.W.T.; residents should flush their water
A boil water advisory in Sambaa K'e, N.W.T., has been lifted, after being put in place July 15.
A news release issued Wednesday afternoon says there have been no illnesses associated with drinking the tap water in the community.
Residents and businesses should now flush their water, the release said, by doing the following:
Run all cold water faucets and drinking fountains for one minute.
Flush and clean all equipment that uses water, such as soda fountain and coffee makers, for at least one minute.
Change all point-of-use filters (Brita filters, etc.).
Flush and clean all coffee and ice-making machines.
Run water softeners through a regeneration cycle.
Drain and refill hot water heaters.
Drain and clean water-holding tanks.
The advisory was issued as a precautionary order, "due to a critical mechanical failure in the community's water treatment system."
As of Wednesday, the community government of Sambaa K'e and the N.W.T.'s chief environmental health officer said turbidity levels have dropped to acceptable levels and "normal use of drinking water may resume."