Australia Post riders divided over resident’s common bin act: 'No words'

The photo shared online highlights a common frustration of posties, but not all are bothered by the situation.

The outside of an Aussie home with three wheelie bins, red yellow and green, standing outside the home with one in front of the mailbox.
The Australia Post worker was frustrated by the resident's bins in front of the mailbox at Gosford, NSW. Source: Facebook

For many of us, seeing three bins lined up outside the entrance of a home gives us little to think about. However, a photo of such a scenario highlighted an "all too common" behaviour of some residents that enrages many Australia Post drivers around the country.

"I have no words". That's what one postie attempting to deliver mail to the Gosford property wrote on social media, hinting that one of the resident's wheelie bins was obstructing his bike's access to the mailbox.

It's a behaviour seldom considered by residents, but posties claim they come across it time and time again, slowing them down and making it difficult for them to deliver mail. And while Australia Post told Yahoo News Australia "bins can provide a hazard for Posties," the section where letters and parcels are placed inside the mailbox in this instance is unobstructed, causing other Australia Post workers to push back against the Gosford Postie's frustration.

Australia Post worker's gripe divides posties

After sharing the picture online, dozens of posties chimed in expressing their thoughts on the issue and many explained they too have had difficulty delivering mail when residents haven't kept access clear.


"I [have] put mail under the windscreen wiper of the car in the way as a bit of a 'hey don't park your car in front of the letterbox' protest," one wrote, with another saying they "had a customer do this for the whole week".

While others complained they too faced this problem regularly, suggesting residents who do this simply "don't want their mail" or are happy to have there parcel delivery skipped for a few days. Others called out the Gosford postie for being a "sook".

"Just hold their mail until it's safe to deliver," one wrote, as another suggested the postie should "turn and deliver on the way out". "[It's] not really a problem," another said.


Australia Post defend postie's push for 'unobstructed' mailboxes

Australia Post has urged people to keep mailboxes accessible so posties can deliver mail as easily as possible.


"Australia Post reminds residents to ensure letterboxes are within easy and unobstructed reach so posties can deliver letters safely and efficiently for the whole community," a spokesperson told Yahoo News. "The safety of our team members is our highest priority and objects such as bins can provide a hazard for Posties."

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