Aussie tourists warned of sad caravan trend 'on the rise'

Travellers have been urged to make sure their caravans are 'secure' when parked outside their home or at a camping ground.

A caravan parked next to a car at a camping ground with its hitch easily accessible.
The number of Aussies travelling in caravans has skyrocketed, and so have the rate of thefts. Source: RACV

More Aussies than ever are taking to the open road, bringing caravan travel to an all-time high. However, while life on the go can look idyllic on social media, there is a dark side to the growing number of people choosing to wander the country on a budget.

Caravan thefts or attempted thefts have reached their highest level in 10 years in Victoria, RACV and the state’s Neighbourhood Watch warned on Tuesday. In the 12 months to June, 174 caravans were stolen — up almost 67 per cent since 2022, according to data from the Victorian Crime Statistics Agency.

Across the country, all states and territories except for the ACT saw a jump in the number of motor vehicle thefts last year, the Australian Bureau of Statistics states. In August, a van was allegedly taken with a Queensland family, including young children, still inside.

The frightening figures and rapid increase in caravan ownership has prompted RACV General Manager of Motoring Jeff Ames to urge Aussies to ensure their camping vans are “secure” while travelling or at home.


“We’re seeing people either taking their vans on trips interstate, or leaving them at home while they travel, and it’s important that owners have the safety and security of these assets front of mind whether at home or on the road,” he said in a statement.

“While vans may not seem as appealing an item to steal due to their size, the data is showing that thefts of these usually highly valuable assets are still occurring and, in fact, they are on the rise.”

Ames encouraged those who have purchased a van to invest in insurance for “peace-of-mind” in case something happens.

A ute pulling a caravan on an open stretch of road in Australia.
While on the road or at home, caravan owners have been urged to make sure their motor homes are 'secure'. Source: RACV

If you’re leaving your caravan at home while going on holiday, it’s important to let your neighbours know, Neighbourhood Watch CEO Bambi Gordon “strongly” suggested.


“…Let your trusted neighbours know when you are heading away from home for a period of time and leaving your van at home, so that they can watch out for any unusual or suspicious behaviour,” she added.

“It’s also important to remember that your van is highly visual. If it is normally parked in your drive or front yard, when you do take it on a trip it’s more obvious that you are away from home — so extra security such as sensor lights, locks, and timers will help to protect your home.”

According to Tourism Research Australia, caravan ownership has increased by 21 per cent since 2019. Last year, Australians took 15.3 million caravan and camping trips totalling $14.3 billion, easily exceeding pre-Covid levels.

A spokesperson from the Caravan Industry Association of Australia previously told Yahoo News Australia "the younger markets are definitely surging" as more young travellers and young families take life on the road.


Tips to keep your caravan secure, according to RACV and Neighbourhood Watch Victoria:

  • Insure your caravan or trailer.

  • When travelling, aim to have the van’s hitch facing away from the access road, making it harder for thieves to swiftly hook the van up and drive away.

  • Lock the caravan doors when not at your van while travelling, including if you’re walking around the caravan park, as well as once you’ve turned in for the night.

  • Don’t hide the keys to your van in an accessible or visible location, in or around the van.

  • When at home, park your van behind a locked gate or in a shed, where possible, or consider using a storage facility with strong security.

  • Whether your van is at home or away, consider using a wheel clamp for security or tracking device to reduce the chance of theft or to monitor the van’s movements if stolen.

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