Alleged car thief's unbelievable act after finding child in backseat

An alleged car thief has lectured a woman he’s accused of stealing from after she left her child in the back seat.

The man allegedly stole the car from outside a supermarket in Beaverton, in the US state of Oregon, on Saturday about 9.10am (local time), The Bulletin reported.

But he then discovered a child, 4, in the back seat of the SUV.

 A boy sits in a car seat is pictured in a stock image.
An alleged car thief turned back after realising a child was in the back seat. Source: Getty Images, file

Beaverton Police public information officer Matt Henderson told the paper the thief turned back and found the mum.

“He actually lectured the mother for leaving the child in the car and threatened to call the police on her,” he told The Bulletin.

The man then asked the woman to take the child and drove off in her car, police said.


Mr Henderson added the woman was four metres from the car, had left the engine on and the doors unlocked.

Police are yet to find the man or the car.

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