The airport area which is home to more germs than a toilet

Travellers are used to collecting watches, wallets and laptops at airport security lines, but scientists have found that we’re also picking a whole pile of germs.

A new study shows that the passenger trays provided at security screening points are home to more bacteria than a typical toilet.

They’re the dirtiest touch-point in the entire airport, carrying up to 1000 times more germs than terminal restrooms.

Passenger trays provided at security screening points are home to 1000 times more bacteria than an airport toilet. Source: 7 News
Passenger trays provided at security screening points are home to 1000 times more bacteria than an airport toilet. Source: 7 News

The study from Finland found the plastic buckets were riddled with viruses causing the common cold, respiratory infections, gastroenteritis and flu.

Other germ hotspots include payment terminals, stair rails, passport counters and play rooms.

“I’ve not seen anyone cleaning them, but I don’t know how often they clean them, or when they clean them,” one passenger said of the germ-laden hotspots.

Plane seats, tray tables, window shades and toilet buttons all coated in germs. Source: 7 News
Plane seats, tray tables, window shades and toilet buttons all coated in germs. Source: 7 News

A previous study found bacteria counts on aircraft were sky-high as well, with seats, tray tables, window shades and toilet buttons all coated in germs.

The study’s authors hope the results will influence airport design , with sanitation stations at critical touch-points like security and check-in.

In the meantime, the experts advise passengers to wash their hands frequently to ensure they stay well.