Aleppo's 'cat man' forms sanctuary in Syria to care for 100 abandoned cats

A man in Aleppo, Syria, has taken it upon himself to adopt the abandoned cats left behind by residents who have fled the country fearing for their lives.

Known as ‘the cat man of Aleppo’, Mohammed Alaa Jaleel has taken in more than one hundred felines left behind as war continues to disrupt the nation.

Mr Jaleel told BBC that when families started to leave, the cats would turn up at his door.

More than 100 cats stay at the sanctuary. Photo: BBC
More than 100 cats stay at the sanctuary. Photo: BBC

“There were stray cats and cats left by their owners,” he said. “Some people just left them with me knowing that I love cats.”

At first there were 20 or 30 animals, but within a year that number quickly grew to include more than 100 cats.

Before the war Mr Jaleel was an electrician, but now he finds himself helping emergency services to help and rescue people in need.

On the side he runs the cat sanctuary, where he feeds them each with their own dish.

Mr Jaleel has vowed to never leave his animals behind. Photo: Facebook
Mr Jaleel has vowed to never leave his animals behind. Photo: Facebook

Despite being exposed to the horrors of the war on an almost daily basis, Mr Jaleel said he would never leave his furry friends behind.

“I said I’ll stay with them no matter what happens,” he told BBC.

“Someone who has mercy in their heart for humans has mercy for every living thing.”

News break – September 28