7 News ReachTEL survey results: May 26 2016

ReachTEL conducted a survey of 2,700 residents across Australia during the evening of 26th May 2016.

Question 1:
If a Federal election were to be held today, which of the following would receive your first preference vote?

  • Undecided voters were asked a follow-up question on who they would have even a slight leaning towards.

  • Preferences for the most recent polls (5th, 19th and 26th May) are based on respondent allocated preferences. All other polls used 2013 election preference distribution.

Question 2:
Who of the following do you think would make the better Prime Minister?

Question 3:
Please rate the performance of Malcolm Turnbull as Prime Minister?

Question 4:
Please rate the performance of Bill Shorten as Leader of the Opposition?

Question 5:
Which of the following two parties do you trust most to manage the issue of border protection?