'Sir we can't arrest your cat': Man calls police after cat eats his bacon

'Sir we can't arrest your cat': Man calls police after cat eats his bacon

What would you do if you were craving a delicious piece of bacon and came home to find your cat had eaten it?

This clearly furious man decided to call the police.

In an emergency call released online the man can be heard explaining to the operator that his girlfriend fed his bacon to their cat and he was really unhappy about it.

““What would you like the police to do with regard to that, sir?” The operator asked.

Clearly upset the man said he wanted to press charges.

The operator calmly asked the man whether he was referring to his girlfriend or his cat.

“Both of them,” he responded.

The operator then had to explain to the man that a cat eating his bacon wasn’t a criminal offense and it definitely wasn’t an emergency.

The man accepted this response and ends the call.